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Anxiety: Are You Anxious?
December 11, 2023 at 8:00 AM
by Virgil Roberson, L.P., M. Div., NCPsyA, Executive Director

Do you have a vague, nagging feeling eating away at your attempts to be happy? Are you tormented by what you perceive to be an uncontrollable life and circumstance? Do you find “fear of death” thoughts threaten your peace? Do you feel intimidated by every day social interactions, worried about daily challenges, uneasy about anticipated and seemingly unavoidable problems? Is your physical health hampered by anxiety? Are you plagued with nervousness, phobias, pressures, compulsions, sleeplessness, indigestion, physical and emotional tension? Have past traumas left you expecting and waiting for “the other shoe to drop”? Do you dread what new problems the day may present? Does the future look bleak to you despite your greatest efforts? These are just a few of the feelings that may describe your anxiousness.

How Do We Cope With Anxiety?

Anxiety is something we all experience from time to time – although for some it can be all too often and thus require help of a professional. Where does anxiety originate? How do we free ourselves from its clutches? We try to distract ourselves with work, activities, and various forms of entertainment. Yet, while these methods may work temporarily, these very same activities may actually provoke panic. Even when distractions work for the moment, eventually the feelings of anxiety and apprehension slowly creep back in.

Is It Truly Possible To Be Free Of Anxiety?

Anxiety counseling is a means of getting to the roots of anxiety. Without addressing the cause, its effects just keep cropping back up in our lives. Through counseling one can examine the thoughts, beliefs, phobias, assumptions, expectations, traumas and perceptions that form and create the basis of interpretations that result in these feelings of apprehension.

How Can Counseling Stop Anxiety From Arising?

We all too often feel like prisoners of our worlds. Our circumstances seem to rule our days, emotions, feelings and experience of life. We think and assume the problem may be the job, social encounters, relationships, finances, the weather, politics or whatever else appears to endanger our sense of safety and security. But what if the problem is really our feeling of powerlessness and a sense of not knowing how to regain or be aware of our inherent strength? Usually we have no control over making life’s complications disappear. However, we do have the power and ability to determine how we will interpret and face life’s challenges – perhaps even define those “challenges” in a new way. We have the ability to approach our lives with a different and changed attitude. Counseling for anxiety can help make that change happen.

Which Way Do We Go?

Counseling for anxiety provides a means to re-establish and re-discover one’s inherent strength. It guides the way to living life mindfully, opening the door to a new, freeing way of perceiving life. Worldly and personal events do not control our attitudes and feelings unless we allow them to. Counseling teaches us to how to take back our power of decision. We learn to choose our feelings, interpretations, reactions and goals. Through counseling we can meet the challenges of life’s ups and downs, as well as anticipated problems. We learn to be happy from the inside out rather than letting the outside situations determine our state of mind. Counseling can teach us the ability to be calm and centered even in the midst of external chaos and apparent suffering, while also becoming more aware of habitual expectations of anticipated “future” threats.

Are You Ready to Step Away From Anxiety?

The first powerful decision is your own. Choose to regain your strength and learn to be free of anxiety today. A choice for anxiety counseling is a first step in the right direction – because you can and deserve to be happy. A cloud can cover the sun but not obliterate it. Likewise, anxious thoughts can cloud our happiness but not eliminate our peace. The dark cloud of anxiety cannot permanently put out the light in our own minds that merely awaits discovery. When observed with a professional counselor at our side, the means to lifting the cloud of anxiety becomes clear. The power of choice for peace, freedom and tranquility is yours!

Photo credit: DTTSP

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